General Marketing

Whether you‘re new to marketing or a seasoned pro, our General Marketing category offers tips, tools, and expert advice to boost your marketing efforts. Learn from top experts and enhance your marketing skills.
kpi marketing
How to Promote Your Website
Google Trends Alternatives
marketing calendar
How To Set Up a Successful Affiliate Marketing Partnership: An Expert View
Post-Holiday Sales Slump: 11 Effective Ways To Overcome It
From 0-20 Million Views on Quora and How I Did It

From 0-20 Million Views on Quora and How I Did It

From 0-20 Million views on Quora — and how Deepak Shukla did it. A step-by-step guide for how to go viral on Quora and win followers and referral traffic by writing unique and engaging answers in areas you are expert it. If you have been writing on Quora but have not had the success you have been hoping for or have not yet considered possible — this guide will remove the mystery of how to do it.
Deepak ShuklaAug 09, 2018
How To Use Marketing Analytics To Drive Superior Growth
How To Increase Your Click Through Rate With Emojis

How To Increase Your Click-Through Rate With Emojis

I am going to show you how to properly use emojis to maximize your click-through rates and drive your customers to your website. But first, you need to understand why you would even need to use emojis in marketing copy in the first place. Here is how to properly use emojis to maximize your click-through rates and drive customers to your website.
Garrett MehrguthJul 09, 2018
How To Engage With Your Audience Through Joint Interest

May the 4th Be With You: How To Engage With Your Audience Through Joint Interest

You have probably heard of event-based marketing. If not, you might be interested to know that quite a few of the traditional celebrations like Father’s Day and possibly Valentine’s Day, as we know them, were once marketing campaigns. In the past and present, and well into the future, event marketing remains an effective way of grabdomain the attention of big groups.
Nadia NazarovaMay 04, 2018