Keyword Overview

Dive into the largest keyword research database on the market and use AI insights to drive your SEO and PPC strategies.

Find Your Keywords
an overview of keyword metrics from Semrush

Complete Keyword Analysis

Access a top-level report for any keyword’s metrics, including search volume, competition level, CPC, intent, and trends across local, national, and global scales.

global volume, trend analysis, CPC, competitive score, and more data presented in the Keyword Overview tool

Target the Most Valuable Keywords

  • Instantly understand a keyword’s search volume and user intent
  • Evaluate keyword difficulty, or how hard it will be to rank for each keyword
  • Determine the keyword’s CPC, competitive density, and top ads
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Explore Keywords and Variations

  • Review keyword variations and clusters to target in your keyword strategy
  • Identify commonly asked questions related to your keyword
  • Preview the suggested pillar and subpages with Keyword Strategy Builder
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lists of keyword variations and questions based on the seed keyword being analyzed
personalized metrics such as topical authority and personal keyword difficulty based on the user's website

Gain Personalized AI-Powered Insights

  • Evaluate Personal Keyword Difficulty for your domain
  • Use Topical Authority to determine domain relevance to a seed keyword
  • Combine insights to tailor content for your audience’s needs
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Review a Keyword’s Advertising Value

  • Get inspiration from real ads based on your target keywords
  • Reveal your Google Shopping competitors’ product listing ads
  • Check out any keyword’s ad history to find advertisers that were on top of the SERP
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advertising insights such as ad copy, product listing ad images, and ad history trends for the analyzed keyword
local SEO keyword metrics based on a specific location

Spot Local SEO Opportunities

  • Analyze local search metrics to gauge volume, KD, and intent in your area
  • Assess local CPC and competitive density to grasp regional competition
  • Find low-competition and long-tail keywords with ease
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Bulk Keyword Analysis

  • Streamline your keyword research by analyzing multiple keywords at a time
  • Analyze up to 100 keywords at once to compare opportunities
  • Send keywords from bulk analysis to the Keyword Strategy Builder to plan content
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analyze up to 100 keywords at a time in a single table
SERP analysis to study the SEO competitors and SERP features in the results

Get a Quick Overview of Organic SERPs

  • Review top-ranking websites for your keywords to understand the competition
  • Analyze your domain’s performance relative to these top sites
  • Use these insights to refine your SEO tactics and boost your site’s ranking
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Keep an Eye on Trends

  • Examine keyword search volume fluctuations throughout the year
  • Reveal seasonal spikes in your audience's interests
  • Adjust your bidding strategy and content plan to get more traffic and less spend
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Find the right target keywords. Do research for every country, and every device

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